Sunday, April 19, 2020

My thoughts on Covid -19 the Coronavirus

I like to present you my thoughts on this. We are social animals we are not met to be confined to a house. We have to be social losing the outside world will make us lose our mental well-being. Yes a lot of people are dying from Covid-19 but we cannot give into fear. The economic impact from this will be felt for a very long to come. There seems to be growing evidence that this virus was accidentally leaked inside a Wuhan lab. The original account of how this took place being that it originated from a wet market doesn't hold up. Because of the Chinese government we are all paying for it. I think China should be held accountable and so should the Who ( The World Health Organization), the who knew about this but didn't tell anyone, instead they praised China over and over again. Saying how good of a job they did containing the virus.

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