Monday, July 2, 2018

Why it's unreasonable to assume that the brain somehow produces consciousness

First we have no idea what consciousness in fact philosophers and mystics have a much closer colloquial understanding of consciousness than anything proposed by neuroscientists. We know that the brain can influence the consciousness and also that consciousness can influence the brain. This evidence fits perfectly into interactionism substance dualism. Where materialist's run into a big problem how can the mind have a great influence on our brain/body if the universe is a closed system?. Materialist's often come back by saying we don't deny the science evidence that the mind can influence the brain/body. Really? when they keep saying that it points in only one casual direction mind is caused by the brain or mind is what the brain does. Instead of saying the casualty is equally balanced. Which fits into a interactionism substance dualist view. However, it's often point out how can something immaterial like the mind affect something material. Well, it's rather easy if you let go of the assumption of seeing the universe as a closed system. Also, the evidence for survival of bodily death which has I have mentioned numerous times on here as well as the evidence for psi shows how untenable the assumption is that the brain somehow creates consciousness.

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The production model v.s the Receiver/filter/reducing valve theory

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