Friday, August 3, 2018

Two more powerful cases that supports the view that there is an afterlife

I recently discovered two powerful cases providing further scientific evidence for near death experiences/out of body experiences. One of them reported by Dr. Norma Bowe from Kean University. The patient suffered an extreme case of OCD, which led her to having a counting problem. What is remarkable about this case is she saw a 12 digit serial number where the only way to see the serial number would be if you had a ladder in order to see it from a standing position .

As it would be impossible to read the 12 digit serial number from just a standing position. More can be found here, just scroll down the page to just about the bottom of the page.

The second case is from an anesthesiologist Christopher Yerington. The patient a male was able to recall from memory when the patient was clinically dead before the operation and then dead another 94 minutes in the middle of the operation!.

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