Monday, October 18, 2021

The Brain as a filter, receiver/reducing value for Mind/Consciousness has strong support

Materialist's often claim that if Consciousness/Mind were separate from the brain we wouldn't have the kind of correlations we see if brain damaged patients. They often see the brain as a computer even though the brain is far more complex than a regular computer is. No dualist is saying that the brain is a simple filter, receiver or reducing value for the Mind and Consciousness. How the brain which is physical and Mind/Consciousness which is non-physical and how they interact with eachother is called the Interaction problem. If we can find a brain area that the Brain, Mind/Consciousness can interact with eachother the frontal lobe is possibly the key area to look. Some interesting reading here as well about the anterior insular cortex a part of the brain and how it might act as a filter for certain conscious information.

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The production model v.s the Receiver/filter/reducing valve theory

It is often said by Materialists that the dramatic alterations of the brain on the mind/consciousness demonstrates that the brain somehow pr...