Thursday, December 4, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I just like to say Merry Christmas to everyone. Also thanks for making comments to my blog. I will be posting more blog posts before christmas, then I will take a little break from blogging. But I will be back soon after.

By the way here's something interesting about a new article out entitled Against the Tide. A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done.

Here's a brief summary

This book deals with the tension between the scientific establishment of a given time, and scientists with radical or heretical ideas, who work outside the mainstream, and have difficulties in having their ideas accepted or even seriously critiqued...much of the scientific activity at the present time confirms [sic] to a set of ideas and paradigms which are unquestionably accepted by the vast majority of practising scientists. Most work is done within this framework, and those who disagree with it find it difficult to survive academically, because they are denied grants, positions, research facilities like observing time on telescopes, invitations to speak at conferences, the opportunity to publish in the best research journals, and even to post their papers on open electronic archives heavily used by the community. These difficulties make it impossible to air radical ideas, or glaring inconsistencies in experimental or observational data, which challenge the very foundations of mainstream science. This suppression of dissent and challenging new ideas, without examining them carefully for correctness and applicability, prevents progress in human knowledge, and the vast resources expended on science go in vain, merely perpetuating unqualified beliefs and dogmas... The book should be read by everyone working in science, to become acquainted with the anguish that some people feel at the way they have been treated by the scientific establishment...

As you can see anything outside mainsteam science is difficult to challenge the paradign. Because of the set of ideas that are in the minds of mainsteam scientists.

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