Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Here's arguments for dualism

The Mental is Private

Dualism holds that each of us has an immaterial mind or soul that exists in a non-physical realm. The physical world is in principle equally observable to all of us, but the mental is not. One of the most striking characteristics of dualism is therefore that the mental is private, that though each of us has access to our own mind through introspection, no one can directly observe anyone else’s mind. This position contrasts with that of substance monism, according to which minds are part of the physical, public world, and so could, in principle, be equally accessible to everyone.
Priveleged Access

Information that reaches us through our senses is notoriously fallible; though the world may appear to us to be a certain way, it may well be other than it appears to be. Our senses can lead us to make mistakes in describing the world.

Our knowledge of our own minds, however, is not like that; instead it is infallible. If I introspect and judge myself to be happy, or frightened, or to disbelieve a certain proposition, then my judgement will always be correct. This is because we have priveleged access to our own minds.
The Mental is Irreducible

Finally, and most fundamentally of all, substance dualism holds that the mental is irreducible, that it cannot be fully explained in purely non-mental terms. Dualists thus reject attempts to identify the mental with certain characteristics of the physical world, such as brain-states, or behaviour. There is more to mentality, says the dualist, than physicality, and so any attempt at a reductive definition of mind is doomed to failure.

Other Arguments for dualism is the brain in a vat argument and the evidence for the soul accurate near death experiences, out of body experience experiments, remote viewing experiments, xenoglossy, deathbed visions, past-life regressions, hynotic regressions, electronic voice phenomena experiment[the pye records], instrumental transcommunication experiments, the scole experiments, drop-in communicators, physical and mental mediumship, proxy-sittings, mental mediumship experiments, direct-voice, proxy-sittings, the cross correspondences, crisis apparitions, apparitions, hauntings, afterdeath communications etc.]

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